Thursday, July 30, 2009

We got a house!

We found a house! My dh put an offer on it Monday night.Our offer was accepted yesterday. It is a 3 bedroom(that we are turning into 4)~ 2 bathroom on 1 acre.We have so many ideas for this place. I can't wait to move in and decorate and make our house a home. We want to have a garden, dogs, a nice wooden playset for our kids, dh wants a horseshoe pit, I would like chickens and I would also like to have a little prim craft and goodies shoppe. The area is just perfect for our Charlotte Mason educational approach.Alot of area for nature walks and bike rides. I think this is going to be the perfect place to raise our family.We are looking forward to creating many great memories in our new home.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

House Hunting

Friday night, we looked at 7 homes and found one that we really liked but it is at the high end of our allowance.We still like the one that is $30,000 cheaper so we are going to go back and look at both of them tomorrow.I hope we can make a decision this week and get into our new home before it gets too cold ...and snowy!I really hope that we'll be able to celebrate this Christmas in our new home.We are getting really excited!

A Surprise!

Last night, we went to a church family's home for what I was told by my dh was going to be supper there.It turned out to be a surprise birthday party!...for me and another lady who shares my birthday.We were both very surprised. My dh felt so bad for lying to me but was glad that this surprise worked out.I received cards, chocolate mints and a Max Lucado book,"When God Whispers Your Name".

Today, for my actual birthday, we are going to get something out to eat and have homemade hot fudge brownie sundaes.Later this week, we may go see a movie.

Have a blessed Sunday!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Simple pleasures

Well, I did get my letters written and sent out today to my penpals.They were each over 5 pages long!I guess I had alot to say.LOL!

We also went on our nature walk the other day. We found leaves, twigs,plants, fireweed, dandelions, pretty rocks and even raspberries!That was all before we got to the stop sign!I just love fireweed with its vibrant pink color.

Today, dh and me and our youngest ds's went to a 50th anniversary celebration at a Christian camp.Big-boy"T' got to play in the bounce house,bungee pull,climb the rock wall, hold a bunny, pet a cow and ride a horse.I enjoyed seeing the sheep. I want sheep so bad!We all came home with free popcorn and cotton candy,too.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16th,2009

Yesterday, for a special treat I made chocolate chip(Ghiradelli) and M&M cookies.We also watched an educational video about early settlers and I asked my ds("T") a few questions pertaining to the video. He answered them very well.
Today, we plan to go for a nature walk, gather some things and come home and research and discuss about those things.Baby-boy"K" will love being out in the fresh air. I think I might bring the camera along,too.
I plan to make Orange Julius for a special treat to go with our supper tonight.
I also plan to find the time to write to my penpals today.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Good Things

We just got back yesterday from family church camp. We had a good time. It was nice to have a little escape to be with other ladies . We did cardmaking and it was fun to have the chance to be creative. We used scrapbooking supplies but I enjoy rubber stamping,too. I am thinking of selling Stampin' Up supplies even if it is for nothing more than a personal discount. They have some really cute things.
I wore my headcoverings the whole time and I got some wondering looks but no one said anything.After a couple of days, I think everybody got used to it. I am looking forward to ordering some new ones from Garlands of Grace in a couple of weeks. The style that I prefer is the "Cecily".I also am now wearing skirts/dresses only. The headcoverings are in obedience and submission but the skirts/dresses are really just a personal preference in femininity.
Pre-teen DD "E" celebrated her 12th birthday on Friday. We took her to Target and let her pick out some things.She also enjoyed kayaking on the lake.
Unfortunately, the other day, big-boy "T" had low blood sugar and it took quite a few minutes to get his blood sugar number up to where it was normal again. It was a bit of a scare. Please pray for "T". He has been on the low side lately mostly because he is more active this summer.
Today, my dh had some good things happen: He sold four jars of his BBQ sauce which we hope to have at the farmer's market by next year at least.He also was chosen for a bull moose hunting permit which he will be able to use this Fall. He also is eligible for a $15,000 housing grant. We are still waiting for the approval for the USDA rural development loan eligibility. We should know within a week. Please pray about this if you feel so led to. We really would like to move into a house before it gets too cold. It actually starts snowing here in September.
It is like 90 degrees here today and I am in the mood to bake. Why am I always in a baking mood when it is hot?(Maybe it's a Christmas in July thing. I always seem to think about Christmas this time of year,too.) I think I will forego it though because we don't have A/C and we don't need to heat up the house anymore than it already is. Maybe it will be cooler by the end of the week and I can make some chocolate chip/M&M cookies. Chocolate chip cookies and frosted soft sugar cookies are my favorite. What are your favorite cookies?
One final good moment to end this post on: Today baby boy"K" had a first. He laughed...a precious little giggle. Isn't being a parent wonderful as we can delight in such a simple and wonderful thing as a child's laughter? ahhh....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happenings~ July 6th

Yesterday, I wore my headcovering to church for the first time. I got a combination of looks. Some were wondering, some didn't really notice. In these past few days, I have really noticed a change in my attitude and behavior.I am so glad to be headcovering in obedience and submission to the Lord and in submission to my dh.
We have had a couple of food blessings,too.Yesterday, we were given a dozen brown eggs(which is an absolute blessing since we are low on eggs and they are so expensive) and also about a dozen stalks of rhubarb which I hope to freeze for later use next week.
I received my first letters today from my two new penpals.They are like-minded so I am excited about"meeting" these new friends.
We are one step closer to getting a rural develoopment loan.I am so excited because it looks like we are going to get an actual HOUSE and in the country(!!!*grin*!!!)
For supper,I made meatloaf and we had brownies for dessert.These are far from healthy but they sure are delicious.Here is the recipe to share:

Never Fail Fudge Brownies

2 1/4 cups flour
3 cups sugar
3/4 cup + 2 TBSP cocoa
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 cup butter
4 eggs
1 TBSP vanilla

Throw it all together and mix until smooth. Spread in a greased 9x13 pan. Bake at 350 for about 25-30 minutes.

Enjoy! Happy snacking!